Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 00:05:20 -0300
Dear Friend,
I am Peter Hayman,Personal banker and account officer to the late UWE Gemballa
who was murdered in South Africa, before his death he was the former CEO of
the Porsche tuning company that bears his name.
My urgent need for a foreign partner that made me to contact You for this
transaction. I got your contact from yahoo Tourist search while I was
searching for a foreign partner.
As this message might meet you in utmost surprise. However, it All just sure
of your capability. And reliability to champion This business opportunity when
I prayed to good Lord about you.
Before his death he left the sum of 22Million Usd with the ABSA Bank of South
Africa were currently work as a banker, and all attempt to communicate with
his Family was no no avail, and he never included an y next of Kin on this
account and until now no one has steped forward to lay claims on the entire
funds The Below Link will give you an insigt of his story.
Therefore i require your partnership to stand as his next of Kin to enable me
prepare all legal paper works in your name to have the funds moved out in your
name, and if you agree do respond back to me to enable me furnish you with
more details as to the wa y forward in how this can be achieved.
Immediately you receive this letter. Please indicate your Willingness by
sending your information to enable us enter into the official stage of this
transaction.For more
Clarification and easy communication. You can as well call my Direct line for
further up date
I await your response.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr Peter Hayman
South Africa.
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