From: "olusegun aganga" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 23:21:54 +0100
Subject: Release/Transfer Notice for your due Funds (US$1,500,000:00)
Office of the Minister of Finance
TEL: (01-1)+234-803-558-4132 (Hot-Line)
Release/Transfer Notice for your due Funds (US$1,500,000:00).
Ref: FMF/SGH/101/231
Date:13th october 2011.
ATTN: Beneficiary.
24Hrs Service
It is very important that the recipient of this Letter should call this office in order to confirm it to us that this very Letter was received by you, the true beneficiary.You are advised to read thisLetter very carefully because every paragraph explains what you need
to know about the Release and Transfer of your due Funds.
At this point, we wish to remind you to stop all further contact with any person or person(s) whom is not recommended by this Ministry. Our Intelligence Monitoring Unit (I.M.U), Code of Conduct Bureau, Legal Unit and The Nigerian Police Force (N.P.F) have already apprehended some of those suspects whom attempted to divert your Funds.You are advised to stop all further contact with some scammers youhave been dealing with, that have defrauded you of huge sums because they are wanted criminal suspects.
As the honourable Minister of Nigeria, I work on behalf of the PayingBank of Nigeria (Platinum Habib Bank) under the supervision of the honourable President of The Federal Republic of Nigeria.We are glad to announce it to you today that the honourable Presidentof The Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Accountant General of the Federation have collectively Approved and signed the Order to Releaseand Transfer being the certified documentation authorizing us (The Federal Ministry of Finance) to credit your nominated Bank Account.A copy of the Order to Release and Transfer have been forwarded to our international remittance department for the onward crediting of your Funds.In other words, we put it to you that we are ready to remit your said Funds into your choiced Bank Account because we have a 3-4 working days time constrain to Pay-off each beneficiary short-listed to be Paid by this Ministry. Our Legal Unit have already reviewed your Payment Files and they have passed it on to!
my desk for me to Pay youaccord
Most Banks within the United States of America, Europe and other developed countries operate with the "Electronic Wire Transfer" for international transfers because itis a recent innovation in the Banking industry.
Certainly we shall transfer your valued US$1,500,000:00 from theSundry/Suspense Account of the Federal Government of Nigeria being theofficial Account for international/foreign Payments/debts. A Sundry/Suspense Account can be defined as a secret Account owned by agovernment and operated by certain assigned government officials being the authorized signatories whom must sign before Funds can be remittedfrom such account. For this very account no form of direct withdrawals can be made from it except a Bank to Bank wire transfer which must be Approved by the honourable President being the principal signatory tothe account.
Consequent to the fact that I am responsible to Pay you, it is stillmy duty to enlighten you on the accurate steps to take in order for you to gain full possession of this said Funds being Approved in your name.In the combat against fraud, Funds divertion and Funds delay, we have re-lenghtly ensured that several foreign beneficiaries have been Paidaccordingly in order to retain and rekindle our country's reputationon the global map because this recent government dispensation isfocused and targeted to relieve all foreign debts as mandated by The Senate, The National House of Assembly, The Federal Executive Council (F.E.C), Code of Conduct Bureau and The Federal Ministry of Finance(F.M.F). Already, alot of foreign beneficiaries have been Paid by this Ministry so yours will not be an exception considering the fact that the honourable President have Approved your due Funds today dated 13th october 2011.
In accordance to section (1) paragraph 9 of the Settlement Edict Lawof The Federal Republic of Nigeria of 1992, it is imperative that you provide us with the below listed information so that we can Pay you.
1. Bank Name and Address:
2. Bank Account Number:
3. Account Holder's Name:
4. Routing Number/Swift Code (very important)
5. Your Residential Address:
6. Your mobile or home telephone Number:
7. A form of identification (I.D Card or Driver's License) is also required for official references.
To this effect, kindly call this office immediately after you read this official Letter.
TEL: +234-803-558-4132
This Official Letter is being issued to you (THE BENEFICIARY) by "The Federal Ministry of Finance" in collaboration with The Presidency.
Copied to:
The Accountant General of The Federation.
Platinum Habib Bank (Bank PHB).
The President's office.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr.olusegun aganga
Minister Of Finance
Federal Republic Of Nigeria.
Direct Tel: (01-1) +234-803-558-4132 <>
The Federal Ministry Of Finance.