Welcome to Law Chambers
of Dr. Shelton MacMillan
International Legal Practitioner, Conveyancers, Notaries,Intellectual Property Attorneys, Financial Services Consultants.
Suite No. 3-11, 3rd Floor, Capital City Building, Independence Avenue, Benin Rep;
Dear EDuardo Cessar Tamanaja Yamauchi,
This law chambers received a notification from the federal ministry of finance and financial comptroller general yesterday 5th of September, 2011 regards to your over delayed transaction.
Go through this letter and get back to this law firm for our special advice and service where needed.
Cross Border Transactions;
Our firm represent a variety of domestic and international enterprises in connection with organizational structures and capital formation as well as commercial contract transactions, tax planning, securities regulations and other matters on financial aspects. We help to make your transaction easy and smooth with effortless.
We are specialist in the Recovery of Debt, scam recovery & legal services for the recovery of Cash and valuables. if you Have been Scammed or paid money to any firm or individual for cash delivery, goods & services and the goods & services were not delivered? We will recover your lost funds within 20-40 days.or we shall help you to get the delivery completed.
We have 98% success rate since 2003 and we have recovered over 500 Million dollars as at Dec 2010. We must let you understand that 50% of our service charges are paid from the recovery and this brings happiness back to your lost Business. But you must pay us the 50% of our service charge cash before we proceed to the recovery.
1: Is the amount over or less than $10,000 in Total?
2: Do you have details of the Firm/individual ?
3: Do you have details of were your Money was sent to?
4: Do you have the Last Contact Details of the firm/individual?
5: Do you have copies of the transactions?
6: What is the total value of your expected funds?
7: Do you want us to help you to gain back your expected sum?
8: Is there any legal documents involved ?
If all these questions are yes, Then you are Close to getting back your lost money.
We advise clients in properly observing relevant laws and regulations and provide legal opinions for major transaction decisions. We participate in major economic & financial activities involving individual, corporate rights and interests, asset transfer, joint venture operations or corporate restructuring and engage in non-litigation in financial legal matters.
We provide services to clients and their customers in the financial services industry. We frequently structure, negotiate, document and render legal opinions and close complex and routine financial transactions, including loans, leasing, and real estate deals. We also provide advice and guidance regarding compliance with complicated local & international laws that govern the delivery of financial services and products.
We serve the following industries:
Banks, Credit Union, Insurance Companies, Financial and Securities Industry, Service Providers, Offshore Service Providers, and commercial consumers of Financial Services.
May God help us.
Dr. Shelton MacMillan
International Legal Practitioner & Financial Attorney.
Tel: +229 2103 7601
Email: sheltonlawchambers@live.com