From: "Rev.Roland Kalabi" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 11:03:00 +0300
Greetings to you,
It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I hope you
will be able to assist out. Actually I am Pastor Roland Kalabi I am the
assistance clerk to Rev Peter Kofo the chief clerk to the Liberian refugee
camp here in Bujumbura, near Accra, Ghana now. I have been approached by
young Rita Eyadema and his sick Brother who is from Sierra Leone Rep of
Cote d' Ivoire to assist them look for a reliable receiver to receive their
family boxes which was sent to Berlin, Germany Two weeks (2)ago, the
delivery Agent is suppose to deliver the boxes to their family partner Mr.
Harald Rieck in Berlin, Germany. Upon getting there it was discover that
the partner was involved in a ghastly car accident which cost him his life.
His lawyer has given power of attorney for us to look for a new person to
receive the Family Treasury boxes from the delivery Agent there in Berlin
International Airport, Berlin Germany If you can assist the family receive
this family treasury boxes from the delivery agent there in Berlin Germany,
then reply to me immediately, as the family is very worried that they might
lost 7million Euros / Gold which they say is in the boxes. The family says
you will be given 25% and 5% for any expenses that might come up in this
release of the consignment boxes from the total money if you can assist to
receive it in Berlin Germany. You will also help them to buy a house and
invest in your country for a percentage fee. God bless you as you read this
email and as well give you understanding to assist.
Thanks and as I await your mail. Please reply soon.
Pastor Roland
Accra, Ghana now