From: "Mr. Pascal Irenee Koupaki" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 12:16:26 +0800 (CST)
Subject: My Good friend,
My Good friend,
How are you together with your family? I am happy to inform you that I have finally succeeded in getting those funds transferred with co-operation of a partner from South Korea who financed the transaction and provided all requirements through the help of the diplomat I earlier told you about. He initiated this idea and everything worked out successfully.
Meanwhile, I did not forgot your past efforts and willingness to assist me in transferring the funds despite the fact that it did not work out as expected.
In appreciation of the sincere effort, courage and trustworthiness you showed
During the course of the transaction I have decided to compensate and show my
Gratitude by offering you the sum of $700, 000 (Seven hundred thousand United States dollars only). Kindly accept this amount as it is from my heart.
I have authorized my bank (La Caixa Bank, Madrid Spain) where the money is being deposited to pay you the above-mentioned amount through cashier's check or wire transfer. Contact my account officer in the bank as soon as possible to inform you on how the transfer will be made. His contact info is:
Mr. Christine Banny
Email:( )
Please do let me know immediately you receive the fund so we can share the joy together after all the stress we passed through. At the moment I am very busy here in South Korea because of the investment projects that Lee and I are having at hand. My account officer is waiting to hear from you so write him immediately with your complete names, address and phone number.
Warm regards from South Korea