From: "Mr Roberta Luxbacher" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2011 11:10:22 +0800
Subject: Write back
Compliment of the day to you
My name is Mr.Roberta Luxbacher, a consultant in London. I have a brief discussion with executives of a top Oil company (Exxon Mobil) I have a very sensitive and private brief from this top Oil company executives to ask for your partnership to re-profile funds over $12,500,000.00 Million (Twelve million five hundred united state dollars).
I will give you the details, but in summary, the funds would be pay to you via a Barclay Bank Plc, and this is a legitimate transaction and without any government interference.All we need is to procure the needed documents which will enhance the transfer in your name or company, You will be duly compensated for your "Re-profiling fees", if you and your company agree to work with us.
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DATE: ------------------------
Best Regards,
Mr.Roberta Luxbacher