From: Mr Robin Kevin <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 04:56:43 -1200
Subject: compliment of the day
Compliment of the day, How is your day work and family.Please i will like to go into what am
about to say, I am looking for foreign business partner and some one to handle the funds for the
(USD$15 Million US Dollars)is the fund am talking about and it will be transfer to your account
for us to carry on this business.Main while i will said, this have to do on Mutual agreement and
documentations to back up the transaction and this trusted found,This we be made into your
account for us to go on, but my Lawyer and the Company United Nations are their to back us up on
the transaction.This fund is deposited in United state bank here.
It's very important things to share with you , I am looking for business partner as its now, I
think you can be able to handle the fund and everything regarding this transaction and to
carry on with this project,I made this found during my time in government as special adverse to
my Boss,He was former Minister of Fiance here in London.I want to used this fund for business in
another country to avoid some trace. (15million us Dollars).I want oversea business partner to do
this and handle the fund over this amount of money to him with his/her name before i can fly over
for Mutual agreement ,
It will go on % as will may processed and watch our move and motive to create some thing
profitable within our-self.Main while i will like you to tell me how this can be done,
I am waiting
Mr Robin kevin
Executive chairman consultant House of bored Representative Rap
United Kingdom London.
Waterford plot(83634).