Attention Winner
Greetings of the day, Hoping that this mail meets you in a perfect condition.(UN Information Service) -- The United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) has made available today a total of $595,044,579.38 to six governments for distribution to 8,303 successful claimants.
Payment is being made in respect of 2,946 claims in category (A-(claims of individuals for damages up to $100,000).
Claims in category (B-(claims of corporations, other private legal entities and public sector enterprises), that were approved for payment by the Governing Council at its fifty-fifth session, held from 8 to 10 March 2005.
Today's payment are being made in accordance with the Governing Council's decision 227, which extended the temporary payment mechanism set out by the
Governing Council in its decision 197, under which up to $200 million from the Compensation Fund will be made available for the payment of claims
every quarter. In the present round of payment, all newly approved claims, i.e. claims approved for payment at the fifty-fifth session, will receive
$500,000 or the principal amount of the award, if less, and some claims will receive up to $300,000.
The present payment brings the overall amount of compensation made available to date by the United Nations Compensation Commission to 500,000.00.
Participants for the online version were selected randomly from World Wide Web sites through computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000 unions, associations, and corporate bodies that are listed online. We are using this opportunity to thank you for using the internet daily.
We do hereby Congratulates you, as your e-mail appears among one of the list extracted from this websites.
The card center will send you an ATM DEBIT CARD, which you will use to withdraw your money in any ATM machine, Banks and Union Pay Credit outlets in the world; you are hereby selected as an honour for this payment approval, which you are to acknowledge the receipt of this mail to the Logistic Department by email listed below.
Contact Mr. Peter Nick with below e-mail;
Mr. Peter Nick
Manager Foreign Operation
Good luck and kind regards,
Making the world a better place
Mrs Susan Pat
Personal Assistant To
Dr. Ban Ki-Moon
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