From: "Dr.Ali Duffour" <>
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2011 10:14:21 +0800
Subject: United National Humanitarian Agency Ghana
>From the desk
Dr.Ali Duffour
103 jubilee castle Accra.
Position: Director in charge
Humanitarian agency Bujumbura camp
Accra Ghana.
Dear Beloved Friend.
First and foremost, I do seek your interest about a business relationship that will be off help to my family and your family if honesty reflects between both of us.
I am Mr.Ali Duffour younger brother to Dr.Kwebena Duffour minister of finance Republic of Ghana.I am now the appointed Director of West Africa United Nation Refugee Movement on lost family treasure of Asylum children in all refugee camp in West Africa, I am the person that deal with united nation about humanitarian help, before refugee kids, father and Mother are allow to enter into any West Africa country for help, I will be notify first and what kind of treasure they are bringing in with them, if is ok by me I will grant entrance permit to the United National Humanitarian Agent to bring them inn but if is not by I will refuse the offer..
I want to relate with you, about some huge amount of money now in your country , the said amount belong to a very rich asylum boy, by age 18years, who his boxes was miss load into another plane that was not going the same direction the boy is going, so I was contacted to help in getting the boxes for the poor as my position, but the poor secretly review the content of his boxes to be, which is $45millionusd cash money, and at the moment the said boxes is now in the strong room of our United National office in your country , awaiting my decision before they will redirect the boxes back to Ghana or back to the place when the boxes are coming from.
Sharing will be deliberated on good fait between me and you. For your information the united Nation those not know the value of the boxes, and our United National Humanitarian Agents know nothing about the content of the boxes,all he knows is loss property belonging to Refugee boy coming from Sudan, so is highly confidential between you, me and the small boy.
I will stop here, until I hear from you before I provide you the procedure on how you can help in getting these boxes over there for me.
Sincerely, yours
Dr.Ali Duffour