Attn: Lucky Winner,
This is to inform you that your winning prize money from THE GREAT WEATHER
LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL will be cancelled soonest due to your failure to claim
your money as directed by the lottery co-coordinator.
You are advised by this mail to contact the accredited claims agent today
for your payment without further delay.
All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through
computer draws system and extracted from over 10,000,00 companies and
personal e-mails.
For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information
confidential till your claims is processed and your money remitted to you in
whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize.
This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and
unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements.
Note that your lucky winning number falls within our Afro booklet
representative office in Africa. The claims agent will inform you on the
best option for payment to winners from your part of the world.
Note also the following:
Your Ref number for the claim is: 007pwyz2006
Winning Numbers Au0630677
Batch Numbers 0075
Bonus Numbers 5023783QL
Winning Amount: $1.6million.
You are therefore advised to provide the under listed Claim requirements
information to the lottery payment handling officer.
Claim Requirements:
1. Names in Full
2. Address:
3. Phone/Fax:
4. Age:
5. Occupation:
6. Nationality:
Failure to contact the claims agent { Dr. Ahmed Ghali} whose
information is stated below within 7 working days of this
notification, your winning will be revoked.
Accredited Claims Agent.
Name: Dr. Ahmed Ghali
Accept our heartily congratulations once again!
Mrs. Rose Kremer