My name is Kasinathan Kasipillai. I am the Director, Security Deposit Unit of Century Finance Company, in South-East Asia. I have a business proposal for you which I will like you to assist me with the intention of going into investment partnership with you or your company in your country.On routine audit check last year, I discovered some security boxes deposited with our security company which is past over due for collection and all belongs to a single person. Now company policy demand that I do notify the depositor of the consignment for collection since the term period for the deposit has long expired.
It is during my attempt to make contact with the address on record that I found out that the depositor was among those that died in the Monday 25 June 2007 plane crash in Cambodia. See link for info; http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2007/jun/25/theairlineindustry.internationalnews
I have confidently checked the boxes and found out that the content is cash totalling Thirteen Million, Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$13,700,000.00). He stated that contents of the consignments was family valuables and that is what we have on record meaning that it is only me that know the content as cash in our company.The above set of facts underscores my reason of writing and proposing to you. My investigation of the said deposit reveals that the depositor did not name any known next of kin during the deposit which is why I have contacted you to front you as next of kin so our company can release the consignment to you. No known next of kin has come forward all these years.
I am of the settled conviction that using my insider leverage, working with you can secure the funds for us instead of allowing it pass as unclaimed funds into the coffers of the Government of Cambodia. This exactly is why I crave your participation and co-operation. I am seized with all relevant documents (Legal) that will facilitate our putting you forward as the claimant/beneficiary of the deposited consignment and ultimately transfer the money to an account to be nominated by you. I will let you know how we will handle the process once you confirm that you are willing to work with me on this transaction.
Of course you shall be handsomely rewarded for your part in this transaction as I am working prepared to allocate a 35% slice of the total funds for your efforts subject to negotiation.I shall leave out the further details of this transaction till I receive an affirmation of your desire to participate. Be rest assured that I am on top of this situation all the time and there will be a no risk whatsoever if you elect to come on board. Needless to say, UTMOST CONFIDENTIALITY is of vital importance if we are to successfully reap the immense benefits of this transaction.
Send me your contact address and your phone numbers/mobile to indicate your acceptance to participate.I do expect your prompt response.
Yours truly,
Kasinathan Kasipillai
Email: kasinathankasipillai@live.com