Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 04:47:55 -0800 (PST)
Valued attention,
This is in regard to your outstanding payment, please do not take this for a junk letter this is real we have arraigned for the release of your over due payment as approved $200.000.00 shipped is via Diplomatic Air Cargo Plane so there won't be any additional costs. The shipping will take 1-2 days, depending on your location.
Shipping will be door to door cash deliver to your home address; you must be at home to sign for the reception. if you like, arrangement can be made for pick up from the nearest bank in your area, this is not a blind transaction You will be contacted once the consignment arrive your country with details and all the papers and documents necessary . Please take in to consideration that you will pay the clear title $30 here only to allow us perform our normal duty If you agree with these terms, send us your full name and the address where you want the consignment to be delivered to and I will initiate the transaction immediately you send the fee . So that we can finalize every things by today. send the fee by western union with the below: So you are to make the payment of $30 Dollars for the delivery of your check with this payment details below:-
Sender's Name:---------------
Receiver Name: Kelvin O. Omokwe.
Country: Benin Republic
City: Cotonou
Amount To be Sent: $30
Text Question to be used: What For?
Text Answer: Post.
Money Transfer Control Number(M.T.C.N):-------------
On sending it do forward the MTCN question and answer also make sure you confirm your delivering address to enable us post immediately you send the fee .
Thank you and waiting your urgent response.
I will appreciate an answer as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Kindest Regards ,
Mr. Greg Johnson
Trans-Fast Financial Service
Benin Republic-Portnovo
Email us via: