Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 23:56:51 +0700
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?LOAN_ADVERT=AE_3=25?=
Get A Loan For Your Personal Investment Project, Accumulated Bills Settlement or Company Investment Projects.
Do you need a loan to finance or start up a business? A Fast growing loan company is giving out short-term and long-term loans, student loans, Business loans, Co-operate bodies loan, International lending and many more at a very low interest rate of 3% Approximately from 20,000 to 200,000,000.00 (Pounds Sterlings/United States Dollars/Euros) from five to fifty years (5-50 yrs) maximum at 3% interest rate.
Required details on application:
First Name:___________________________
Last Name:____________________________
Marital status:_______________________
Contact Address:______________________
City/Zip code:________________________
Date of Birth:________________________
Amount Needed as Loan:________________
Loan Duration:________________________
Monthly Income/Yearly Income:_________
Purpose for Loan:_____________________
and your proof of ability to pay back.International applications may vary and all applicants must be over the age of 18.If interested, you should provide the required details as written above to the Director of Operations/Financial Controller.
Note: Applications for any loan more than 20,000 (Pounds Sterlings/United States Dollars/Euros) requires full verification and accessing process.
Dr. Rebecca Bowman (Mrs)
Financial Officer
Contact Email:
Lending terms and conditions apply. For eligibilty of any loan application with the European Financial Loan Company, you must be over the age of 18, receiving a regular income and satisfy us as to your ability to repay.