Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 08:20:00 -0800 (PST)
Subject: urgent
Dear Beloved,
My dear beloved i salute you. May I ask for your permission to relay this piece information to you for a business venture which I and two other colleagues in the joint military service in Iraq intended to disclose to you. I am SGT MAC COLE of the allied military service in Iraq. We have $6.8million to invest in your country and the funds were secured in CASH in many trunk boxes during one of our raid operations in the area occupied by one of the strong former aid to late Iraqi president Saddam Hussein called CHEMICAL ALI.
We discovered many boxes containing cash of united states dollars in the operation and eventually, my self and two other junior officers were able to move one of the boxes containing $6.8m out of iraq for our future investments through the missionary diplomatic service in Iraq. You can check this through the enclosed news bar:
Sir,as military officers, we have no permission to engaging into civil operations and based on that reason, we concluded to connecting you for assistance to investing the funds in your country in good and profitable ventures. This project is risk free as no body in the allied military high command knows the were about the container of $6.8m. Rev. Pastor Frank Yaw of missionary international assisted us to move the box out of iraq through the missionary diplomatic service
for safe keeping in a security firm. He will give you all details of this project and how you will secure the funds for investment.On the other hand, he will assist you change all documents of deposit of the box in your name to enable you have full legal control over the money for investments. Contact Rev. pastor Frank Yaw on his direct email address( for more details.He is a TRUSTED man of God and will handle this project with you with fear of almighty God.
Relay all your arrangements with Rev. Pastor Frank YAW to me for my records although we will soon be moved to KABUL AFGHANISTAN for more militarily operations. I will be writing you from military base in KABUL for updates from you.
God bless you for your cooperation and understanding.