From: Michael Laurent <>
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2011 17:40:35 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Hello Dear
Hello Dear
I am proposing this Business to you which will bring great benefit to both of us, I work with an Ivorian based consulting Company as a corporate affair manager, and I attended a seminal last Year where I meet an agriculturist/owner of farm at different parts of African countries that specialized in large scale cattle dealing and export of beefs and other agricultural products, He is ALHAJI MOHAMED QATTARA, he took me into his confident by informing me about a huge amount he spend on the purchase of a particular medicine/vaccine (Anet Mg4 ) for his cattle/ beefs He requires 500 cartons of this medicine/vaccine product, he wanted to know if my company could sort cheaper supplier of this product,
Therefore, I discussed this deal with my boss of which we carried out a market survey of this product and discovered that the product could be purchase very cheap in a Manufacturing Company in United States for $2,000.00 USD per carton, my boss decided to carry out the supply by himself, We sent to ALHAJI a Sample of this medicine/ vaccine ordered directly from the manufacturing company, I took time to undergo a little research to know that Alhaji Mohamed Qattara formally use to buy the product at $6,300.00 USD, so we made the price at $4,700.00 USD) he was satisfied with it and also the medicine was exactly what he wanted.
Alhaji, decide to give us a try by ordering for 250 cartons of this product we made the supply to him of which he paid in cash, I was suppose to get 35% of the total profit derived from this deal as agreed between me and my boss but my Boss decided to renegade on our agreement, he breached what we agreed upon by giving me what he termed an offer of appreciation, I knew fully well that he used the company's money for this deal without the consent of Our Director and the CEO, but I have no concrete prove, I felt betrayed and he never told me anything again concerning this deal, so I assume that the transaction between my boss and ALHAJI has ended I was disappointed by his greediness, Since then our relationship became poor and uncompromising which caused my resignation,
Luckily, I intercepted some E-mails from ALHAJI, addressed personally to my boss, I was shocked to know that he has made two more supply to him without involving me, also ALHAJI is requesting for the supply of 2,500 cartons of this product due to the excessive growth of his animal farm and a little out break of disease among his Cattleâs I contacted ALHAJI and convinced him that I can arrange for another international manufacturer /supplier of this product at a Cheaper rate of $4,00.00 USD per carton but he will have to pay 50% up front to the international supplier of which he accepted, He is now waiting for the supplier as he has stopped all further dealing with my boss, Please take note that we will be buying the medicine with the 50% up front payment which will be made to us by QATTARA AGRO FARM'S at the rate of $2,000.00 USD per carton and sell to them at the rate of $4,000.00 USD per carton. I will be entitled to receive 35% of the total profit
we make after the deduction of all expenses.
If you can handle this deal, all you have to do is to come in as the international Manufacturer/ Supplier,
Please Note that ALHAJI MOHAMED QATTARA, must not know our direct source of purchase as We intend to continue this business with him, if not, he will not be needing our service any more for further supply of this vaccine if he knew our purchasing source
Contact me at ( for more details to execute this business Â
Best regards
Michael Laurent