I am Dr. Raymond Obioma director united bank for Africa plc wish to bring to its announcement that it has a value of accrued interest of U.S. $ 3.5 million in our bank to complain. was discovered during our audit for the first quarter in 2010 after the contract files were reviewed and displays the records that years ago, its existing contract was deposited in our bank apex bank in Nigeria, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and after a period, the fund withdrew back to the federal government treasury. For the period of time that your background was in our bank, interest generated a value of $ 3.5 million that are unaware.
Reconfirm to me unless authorized anyone to file an affidavit of complaint, said it had been signed by you for the release of their interest. Because we were about to contact you for delivery of your project before this boy who is an agent submitted the documents for the claims on their behalf.
Your payment is now ready to be delivered to you by courier. I want you to know that you will be responsible for the cost of delivery of your project to its destination. the charges are affordable which is the sum total of USD $ 120.00 only. And the details of what you are paying are:
Stamp duty rates: $ 70 usd
Shipping costs: $ 50 usd
Total amount: $ 120 usd
Please re-confirm to me the following:
(1) Your full name.
(2) Phone, fax and mobile #.
(3) Address.
Are advised to follow instructions regarding the release of your fund. This is your payment (ref.
Number (fgn/xxxx-107999/uba/7535 / 2010).
Expecting your immediate response.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Raymond Obioma
Director United Bank for Africa Plc