Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2010 14:15:35 +0530
(Notary Public Solicitor)
TELEX: +4470457 32787
I hope this email meet you and your families in a good condition beca=
use my first email to you was returned as failure delivery, I am Paul=
Soulsby Williamson LL.B (Hons) a personal Attorney to late Mr. Henry=
Chea who is an International Business Man, my Client is a national o=
f your Country and he was also a Gold field merchant before he died, =
my client and his wife and their Three children were involved in a Ma=
drid train Bomb on August 20th, 2008.
Though i apologized for reaching you in this medium as I know it migh=
t come to you as a surprise because since the death of my late Client=
, I have made several inquiries to your embassy to locate any of my C=
lient extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful after the=
se Several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his relatives ov=
er the Internet to locate any member of his family but to no avail he=
nce I contacted You, I have contacted you to assist in repatriating t=
hese money and properties Left behind by my late client before they g=
et confiscated or declared Unserviceable by the bank where these huge=
deposits were made by my Late Client Particularly and I want us to w=
ork together in total honesty and claim this fund as it is going to b=
e blessings to us and our families as well as the charities, the Bank=
where my late Client had an account valued at exactly Ninety Seven M=
illion and Six hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($97,600,000.00=
USD) has issued my Office a not
I have all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any =
claim you shall make in this transaction for all I require from you i=
s your honesty and total cooperation to enable us see this deal throu=
gh, I guarantee you that this transaction is 100% risk free and is go=
ing to be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect y=
ou from any breach Of the law, Please get in touch with me through em=
ail preferably because I am very busy at this time with other legal j=
obs to enable us discuss further on the modalities for executing this=
transaction, you are also required to Confirm the below information =
immediately so that i will be able to get a letter of Authorization f=
rom the British High Court Of Justice in your name as a next of kin t=
o my late Client so that my late Client's fund can be released in you=
r name:
1. Full Name:
2. Address:
3. Age and Sex:
4. Occupation:
5. Home Telephone
6. Mobile
7. Alternative email Address
I have checked through the High Commission and Dept. of Foreign Affai=
rs as well as the Trade Union here in London but could not locate my =
client's biological relatives and i don=92t want my late client accou=
nt to be declaring a Government. I also want you to be rest assured t=
hat i have all the documents required to make you a legal beneficiary=
of these fund and it is going to be transferred into your Account su=
ccessfully without any problem.
As soon as I receive the above mentioned require information from you=
, i shall proceed to the British Department Of Justice(HIGH COURT) im=
mediately to procure the letter of Authorization/Power Of Attorney in=
your name which you need to contact the bank holding my late Client'=
s fund and I want you to understand that I am a reputable and well re=
spected Attorney and I do not want my dealing with you you to dent th=
e good name of my Office while I promised to work with you with the g=
ood name of my Office and the Authority Vested on me by the British G=
overnment to ensure that this transaction is successfully executed un=
der a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of=
the law, I will also make a trip to join you immediately we complete=
this transaction so that we can have a round table discussion that w=
ill guarantee us a future business and family relationship.
I am waiting for you to urgently confirm the above requested informat=
ion immediately so that will be able to go to the Court and obtain al=
l other legal documents that you need to contact the bank in charge o=
f my late Client=92s fund.
Yours Cordially,
Paul Soulsby Williamson LL.B(Hons)
Notary Public Solicitor And Comm. For Oaths.
Notaries or "Notaries Public" are qualified members of the legal prof=
ession appointed and regulated by the Court of Faculties under Acts o=
f Parliament of 1533, 1801 and 1843 and the Courts and Legal Services=
Act 1990.