From: "HSBC Bank plc." (may be fake)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 18:05:30 -0400
Subject: =?utf-8?Q?Spam?=
Bank of HSBC Alert: Irregular Credit Card Activity

We detected irregular activity on your HSBC Internet banking account on 29/09/2010.
For your protection, you must verify this activity before you can continue using your account.
Please visit to review your account activity.
We will review the activity on your account with you and upon verification,
and we will remove any restrictions placed on your account.
Please disregard this notice if you have already accessed the web site or spoken with one of our representatives.
Want to confirm this email is from HSBC Group?
Sign in to Internet Banking and select Alerts History to verify this alert.
Because email is not a secure form of communication, this email box is not equipped to handle replies.
If you have any questions about your account or need assistance, please call the phone number on your statement or go to Contact Us at
HSBC Group , Member FDIC.
© 2010 HSBC Bank Plc. . All Rights Reserved. |
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