We wish to congratulate you =
once again on this note, for being part of our
winners selected this year. =
This promotion was set-up to encourage the
active users of the Google s=
earch engine and the Google ancillary
Hence we do believe with you=
r winning prize, you will continue to be
active and patronage to the =
Google search engine. Google is now the
biggest search engine worldw=
ide and in an effort to make sure that it
remains the most widely used=
search engine, we ran an online e-mail beta
test which your email addres=
s won 450,000.00 (Four Hundred And Fifty
Thousand Great British Pound=
s Sterling)
We wish to formally announce=
to you that you have successfully passed the
requirements, statutory obli=
gations, verifications, validations and
satisfactory report Test con=
ducted for all online winners.
A winning cheque will be iss=
ued in your name by Google Corporations,
You have therefore won the e=
ntire sum of 450,000.00Gbp (Four
Hundred And Fifty Thousand G=
reat British Pounds Sterling) and also a
certificate of prize claims =
will be sent along side your winning cheque.
You are advised to contact y=
our Foreign Transfer Manager with the
following details to avoid u=
nnecessary delay and complications:
Google Corporation
Verification Manager.
Mr.Williams Smith=
(1) Your contact address.
(2) Your Tel/Fax numbers.
(3) Your Nationality/Country=
(4) Your Full Name/Sex.<=
(5) Occupation/Age.
(6) Ever won an online lotte=
(7)How do you feel as a winn=
The Google Corporations has =
discovered a huge number of double <=
claims due to winners inform=
ing close friends relatives and third parties
about their winning and also=
sharing their pin numbers. As a result of
this, these friends try to c=
laim the lottery on behalf of the real
winners. The Google Corporat=
ions has reached a decision from
headquarters that any double=
claim discovered by the Lottery Board will
result to the canceling of t=
hat particular winning, making a loss for both
the double claimer and the r=
eal winner, as it is taken that the real
winner was the informer to t=
he double claimer about the lottery.=
So you are hereby strongly a=
dvised once more to keep your winnings strictly
confidential until you claim=
your prize.
Congratulations from the Sta=
ffs & Members of the Google interactive
Lotteries Board Commission.<=
Google Corporations.