From: "sgt. paul phillips" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 08:42:08 +0100
Subject: I seek your consent!
Dear Beloved
I am sgt paul phillips from london -uk who was once in iraq in the year 2003-2006 fighting for the nations as well as protecting life and property from the hands of terrorist/Alqaeda all over the world but now in london working together with the united nations,anyway My colleague and moved some funds found in Saddam Hussien dug-house worth of 5.5m inside two trunks boxes and now the trunks has being with a security company in Europe,i will like you to know that i am seeking for your assistance to assist me to claim the trunks as the beneficiary and will get %50 out of the total funds for your services while i and my colleague will share %50,without much time wasted,i will like you to take away any fear or skeptism of any kind in this transaction because its %100 risk free,i will send more information to you about the way forward once i hear back from you.
Thanks for accepting my proposal.
Yours truly.
Sgt.Paul Phillips.
N:B: I sgt paul phillips will never mislead or betray you in anyway,if i do let i and family perish,what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and looses its soul.