From: "Franklin Richard" (may be fake)
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2010 21:15:54 +0800
Hello Dear,
I am Franklin Richard from United Kingdom, i am working as a
Purchasing Manager in this company NATURAL GEMS
Due to my present condition of health now, I sincerely
demand for your honest co-operation. I have deliberated
this in my mind and decided to offer you this profitable
business for the both of us.
This is a profitable business which will be of mutual benefit
to both of us. I used to go to Malaysia to purchase a product
called (SAPPHIRE BLUE STONE) it's a mineral stone that is used
for making jeweleries such as rings necklace bangle and other
valuable things.
I am unable to make this trip to Malaysia because of my health
condition. I have been diagnosed with heart disease which was
discovered very late, due to my laxity in caring for my health. It
has defiled all forms of medication. Right now, I am on admission
and waiting for an operation to be carried out on me that will take
few months to recover according to the Medical Doctor.
My Company director has arranged for my Assistant Purchasing
Manager to come to Malaysia for the purchase of this product
which I usually purchase the product at the rate of (6,250USD)
per kilo from an agent in Malaysia, after i get it from the agent
at this price i will now sell to the company where i work at the
higher rate of (11,500USD) per kilo.
In order to protect my previous dealings, I wish to appoint you
as the seller of this product in Malaysia.
The Assistant Purchasing Manager will soon be in Malaysia and i
want him to buy the products through you, while you contact the
agent in Malaysia to get this product from her and sell to the
company where i work.
You must not allow my Assistant purchasing manager to meet the
main agent in Malaysia because of the profit that is in between the
cost of the product in Malaysia and the amount my company usually
If you can handle this transaction and promise to be faithful then I
will give you all the necessary information. I am waiting for your
positive and urgent response for us to proceed in this business. i
will also like you to give me your contact details so i can contact
you for better understanding.
For more details, write me on my private email:
Thank you,
Franklin Richard