From: "FIRST CITY MONUMENT BANK" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 13:43:29 +0100
New Page 2

We are in receipt of your email, and i want to
inform you that your representative who we assigned because of your in ability
to come to Nigeria is out here to sign your fund release documents and if the
exchange rate of $285.00 from naira to US Dollars differences are not paid your
fund which is in Bonds from the US Department of the Treasury, United States of
America will not be liquidated and your fund can not be transferred to you.
After payment, we will attached the Clean Bill Certificate for your perusal and
we await your payment so that your representative can sign on your behalf and
your fund can be wired to you or your online account details can be issued to
you for swift online transfer to your nominated account, so kindly send the
required $285.00 to Charles Jacobs through western union to Delta State, Nigeria
and the payment slip should be sent for our perusal and record purposes.
Below is the payment information:
Receivers Name: Charles Jacobs
City: Delta State
Country: Nigeria
Test Question: From?
Answer: Sarah
mtcn #
We shall await your payment today.
Sarah Jackson
Tel: +2348052682367
Head of Department,
First City Monument Bank, Nigeria.
Debt Reconciliation Committee