From: PMS service <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 17:48:19 +0200
Subject: Organized By EuroMillion
Organized By EuroMillion
We happily announce to you the draw of EuroMillion Loteria Sweepstakes Promotion program organized by
EuroMillion Loteria in conjunction with the foundation for the Promotion of software products, July
10th, 2010,in Spain-Madrid, Your winning details stated below,
Reference No: EU/54797/MI
Batch No: EU/G001/MI
Qualification No: EU/6747/MI
Your email address emerged as one of the on-line Winning emails, and therefore You have been approved
for a cash award 500,000.00(FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND EUROS) this is from a total cash prize of FIVE
MILLION EUROS Shared among the ten International winners.
To begin your claim contact our Accredited agent.
Mr. Alex Pedro.
Tel: +34 673 574 994
This Loteria is approved by the Spanish Gaming Board and also licensed by the International Association of
Gaming Regulators (IAGR) All winnings must be claimed not later than seven working day there after all
unclaimed funds would be included in the next stake.
NOTE: This Email Lottery is sponsored by EuroMillion the members of Spanish MSFT Word Resource
Consortium Software Promotion Companies, and is organized to encourage the use of the Internet users and
to promote computer literacy world wide.
Mrs. Cecelia Alfonso
EuroMillion Loteria Coordinator.
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