This mail is to get you informed that your fund which was wrongly transferred into the below banking details due to impersonation made by (Mr. David Ramsey) the owner of the Bank Of America account details below, We are pleased to get you informed that your fund had been regained by the Eco Bank Financial institute as the message got to my desk earlier today at the Foreign Payment department.
Bank of America
921 E. Arques Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA. 94085
Account Name: David Ramsey
Checking Account # 0585-67567
Routing Number # 128743858
Total Fund To Be Transferred : US$6,500,000.00
The Eco Bank Plc which are in possession of your fund demands your new banking information’s in which you desire that your fund should be transferred into, and also Eco Bank demands the sum of $185 as the cost of re-programming your new banking details before the transfer of your fund into your new bank account shall proceed.
Please Note that your prompt response to our mails coupled with honesty and diligent shall aid in getting your fund without let, delays or obstructions in getting your funds successfully. You are to mail back to me for payment instructions, as the Eco bank Plc waits to receive the payment for the re-programing, so your fund could be re-programmed into your banking details and transferred immediately.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Mr. Oke Steven