From: "Uk National Freelotto Inc." <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2010 13:36:04 -0700
Subject: Weekly Draws Results
Head Office: 24A High St Starbeck
North Yorkshire, England HG2 7HY
(Customer Services)
Date: 20/06/2010
Dear lucky winner,
Freelotto License: 46XZ450
This email is to inform you that you have been emerged a winner on ou=
r online draws which was played on 18th of June, 2010. This draw is p=
art of our yearly Bonus to all internet users in order to enhance and=
promote the use of Internet Explorer Users and Microsoft-wares buyer=
s around the globe.
The selection process was carried out randomly through our "computeri=
ze email playpen selection system" along with others from over 196,00=
0 website on Internet IP addresses of which your email address was pi=
ck up attached to a Reference Number: UK455/Gk565/FR101 and Batch Num=
ber: FR3435/420NK in the 2nd Category B matches 5 Bonus which consequ=
ently won you the =A3652,000.00 Pounds Sterling. It was selected alon=
g with others as winners.
You have therefore been approved by the UK National Freelotto Corpora=
tion Payment Service to claim a total sum of (=A3652,000.00) Six Hund=
red and Fifty two thousand Pounds Sterling only in Cash check credite=
d to file UNL/45657/6523/10; your particulars have been documented fo=
r record purposes and your winning certificate and certified bank che=
que/check has been sealed protected by the UK government law policy b=
efore giving to the approve Courier Company for onward delivery to yo=
* Full Names: ______________________________
* Sex: ______________ Age: _________________
* Occupation: ______________________________
* Full Address: ____________________________
* Country of Residence: ____________________
* Nationality: _____________________________
* Mobile: _______________ Tel: _____________
* Fax Number: ______________________________
Please include your complete winning details.
With regards to this, you are to send filled copy of the above claims=
release verification form to the Approved Courier Delivery Departmen=
t Email Address for verification purpose by them before the delivery =
of your WINNING FUNDS/PARCEL can be delivered to your destination res=
idential house address provide above to them. Below are the Dispatch =
agent details appearing?
Company Name: Omni Express Courier Ltd.
Tel: +447045739410 Fax: +448447747915
Dispatch Officer: Mr. Mark Lawrence
NOTE: They are responsible for sending your original winning certific=
ate and certified cheque/check to you by couriering it to you. Please=
oblige to follow their instructions so that your winning certificate=
and certified Bank cheque can get to your present residential addres=
s on time. Do ensure to file your claims to them and make your winnin=
gs information confidential for security reason during the process of=
transfer of your winning funds to you.
Our special Thanks and gratitude to Bill Gate and the UK National Fre=
elotto Corporation in conjunction with all other International Worldw=
ide Organization, Thanks for being part of our promotional award prog=
ram and commemorative anniversary draws this year 2010.
Once again we say congratulations from all the members of staff here.
Thank you for your understanding.
Yours Truly,
Sir Gordon A. Stewart
Coordinator Online Promo Programmed.
Privacy Statement: This transmission is intended only for the use of =
the individual to which it is addressed and may contain information t=
hat is privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure under appl=
icable laws. If the recipient of this transmission is not the intende=
d recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this=
transmission to the intended recipient, DO NOT READ, disseminate, or=
copy. Rather, we request that you destroy or discard this transmiss=
ion and notify us immediately by e-mail.
Copyright =A9 1999-2010 UK National Freelotto Inc. All rights reser=
ved Terms