From: chris marshall <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 01:37:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Urgently needed by chrismarshall
My name is chris marshall, a US citizen, presently serving in Mosul,Iraq.
I have a very urgent need for assistance, I will disclose and provide adequate proof of my identity,and also explain how I got your contact,but I must have some assurances that you will not use such delicate information against me. I feel quite safe reaching you through this medium,although it has`been greatly abused, it still remains one of the fastest and cheapest means of communication, this is also apart from the fact thatI have veryrestricted access to other means of communication.
However, this correspondence is unofficial and should be treated as such.I have to urgently move some money out of here to a safe country as soon as i can have some assistance, and I have discovered a secure way of doing so, I will explain the source of money to you when I am
convinced that you sincerely want to work with me, but I assure you of your safety as far as this project is concerned.
Concealing this money here has been a big problem/source of distraction to me, what I require from you now is the assurance that you will honor my conditions, mostly as regards taking care of my share until I complete my service here, and preserving all information relating to this.
I am offering you Six million dollars ($6,000,000) for your prospective role, but should you have reasons to reject this offer, please destroy this mail as any leakage will be too bad for us. I will continue with the details when you signify your intention to work with me.
chris marshall