From: "Jenifer Woods" <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 06:32:37 +0530 (IST)
Subject: Please Get In Touch With Me Privately!
Good day,
My name is Mrs. Jenifer Woods, I work in the Euro Lottery.I am soliciting
your assistance for a swift transfer of 4,528,000 GBP, should you be
willing to assist me in this project, you will be giving me just 30% of
your winnings.
Just as a brief,you just have to register as an intending Lottery player,
due to my position in the company I can make it happen that you would be a
winner of the above stated amount.
Naturally, every body would like to play a lottery if they are assured of
I am assuring you today to be a winner, please do not take for granted
this once in a life time opportunity as we both stand to collectively gain
from this at the success of the transaction.
Should you be willing to assist me in this transaction please do respond to
Mrs. Jenifer Woods
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