Attention Regular User of the Internet
How are you doing today? This is an official notification to inform you of your funds from a total cash
prize of US$ 50.0m, given to the first fifty (50) people who will be compensated in this cash grant
world internet programs this year 2010.
All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site Through computer draw system
and extracted from over 700,000 companies I am using this opportunity to thank you for using the
internet daily.
Due to your effort, using internet programs indoor and in your office, we want to compensate you
and show our gratitude to you with the sum of US$1.0m. We have authorized Mr. Harry Gibson to
assist you in getting your compensation bank draft across to you.
Please call +234-8033-506992 or email Harry Gibson at for
further proceedings of you claims.
Finally remember that instruction have been forwarded to Mr. Harry Gibson on your behalf to
process the proof of ownership certificate and ask for your transfer details as soon as you send
the following information to him.
Full Name [ ]
Contact Address [ ] (home or office)
Cell Number [ ]
Thanks and God bless you and your family.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Affiliate, UN cash grant.
International Online Lottery Co-coordinator.