From: Online Email Award Promotion <>
Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 03:47:59 -0300
Subject: Online Email Award 2010
Email Prize Award 2010
Waterside, PO Box 365,
London,United Kingdom
We happily announce to you the draw of the National Special Global
2010 Lottery Promotional Draw held in London,United Kingdom.
Your e-mail address attached to REF No; ESP/62934LN/2010,with Batch
No: CH 200 drew the Winning No: 02 10 16 18 27 41, Bonus No: 28 for
LN-49 Lotto under the choice of the lottery in the category A.
All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site
through computer draws system and extracted from over 10,000,000
companies and personal e-mails. So your email is your online automatic
ticket that qualified you for this draw. You have therefore been
approved to claim a total sum of £500,000.00 pounds {Five Hundred
Thousand Great British Pounds}.
For claims,you are advised to contact your designated appointed agent
with the following details below.
Zentec Security
Mr Astrid Pedersen
Direct Tel.Line;+44(0)703-174-5881
1. Full Name:..............
2. Address....................
3. Occupation:..............
4. Nationality...............
5. Tel No........................
6.Date Of Birth....................
You are advised to keep this winning very confidential until you
receive your lump prize in your account or optional cheque
issuance to you
Mrs.Elizabeth Milburn,
(Lottery Cordinator).
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.