From: "Message" <>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 15:37:01 +0700
Subject: To Scam Victim
Greetings to you,
On behalf of the Obama's Foundation and inconjuction with Master Card, we
wish to notify you
as a beneficiary of $5,000,00 USD in compensation of scam victims.
This is due to the fact that we are in possession
Of your Package containing a master card worth of five
Hundred Thousand United State Dollars that was registered
With us by the Master Card/Obama Foundation Team for shipment to you,
You are to act fast by providing your postal address and
Your direct phone number to enable us makes the delivery ASAP.
Note that as soon as our Delivery Team confirms your
Informations, it will take only two working days (48 hours)
For your package to arrive your designated address. For your
Information, the Mail, VAT & Shipping fees have been paid by
The Award Promo Board you will only have to pay a sum of
$92.00 to the FedEx Courier Department being full payment
For the Security Keeping Fee of the FedEx Courier as stated
In our privacy terms & conditions page.
You are to fill the appropriate form and submit to the bank.
[1] Full Names:________________
[2] Contact address______________________________
[3] Direct Telephone No: ___________________
|4| Occupation : ____________________________
Kindly contact our delivery department with the details
Given FedEx Courier Express NG(C)
Contact Person: Mr.David Ferguson
COPYRIGHT (C) 2010 MasterCard(R).
Warning If You Know You Are Not A Victim,
You Are Advise To Disregards this mail