Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 01:51:27 +1000 (EST)
Subject: LOTTO Win Notification
LOTTO Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH. Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Strasse 2.DE-56073 Koblenz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
Your Reference : =
LRP/17-DE/1503 Batch number: LRP/10/17.
We are pleased to inform you that your email ident=
ity emerged winner of EUR 2,500,000 (Two million five hundred thousand Euro)=
in LOTTO Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH draws for 2010 which was conducted last week.=
Your email address was attached to sequential number- 07-5693 and drew the =
winning numbers- 30-32-24-12-31-17.
LOTTO Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH draws =
was conducted from an exclusive list of 70,000,000 e-mail addresses picked b=
y an advanced automated random computer ballot search from the internet as p=
art of our international promotions program which we conduct every year.
To begin your claims, please contact your funds release manager, Mr. Wa=
lters Fehlman of the Paying insurance company through his contact details be=
Mr. Walters Fehlman, Zurich Management Services Limited, P=
rofessional and Risk Services Manager, Phone: +44 702 406 6941. Fax: +=
44 870 490 8013. Email:
For more information and rem=
ittance details.
To avoid unnecessary complications or delay, edeavou=
r to quote your reference and batch numbers in every correspondence with you=
r claims agent.
Yours truly, Mr. Torrey Wilson, Managing Direct=
or, LOTTO Rheinland-Pfalz GmbH. Germany.