From: "MR.CHEN GUAN" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 03:12:46 +0000
Subject: Hello
Good day to you and how is your family doing? I am Mr. Chen Guan from the
Bank of China, and I have a sensitive and confidential brief transaction
from China. I am asking for your partnership in re-profiling funds ($17.3
Million US Dollars). Our Client, Gen Zaiki Taha Abdel, a businessman and
also who was with the Iraqi forces, made a fixed deposit, of Seventeen
million Three Hundred Thousand United State Dollars only in my branch, a
number of notices was sent to him, before the war which began in 2003 and
also after the war but no response came from him. We later found out that
the General along with his wife and only daughter had been killed during the
war in a bomb blast that hit their home.
After more inquiry it was also discovered that the late Gen. did not declare
any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his bank
deposit. What bothers me most is according to the laws of my country at the
expiration of 7 years the funds will be revert to the ownership of the China
Government if nobody comes for the funds, Against this scenery,
I therefore want you to know that I will give more details if interested.
Finally, note that this must be concluded within two weeks. Kindly write me
back on email: if interested, I look forward to
hear from you.
M r.Chen Guan.