From: "Sgt.Nelson Dillon" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 07:13:37 -0300
My name is Sgt. Nelson Dillon, serving in the Engineering military unit in
Ba'qubah in Iraq. As you know, we are being attacked by insurgents
everyday and car bombings.we found some money here in Baqubah in Iraq, we
cannot keep this money in the bank,because we are working for the
government,My partners and I need a good partner/individaul, someone we
can trust and We want to move this money out of iraq to a
reputable/sincere person for investment purposes.
We plan on using a diplomatic means to ship the money out as military
cargo, using diplomatic immunity.This is the reason for contacting
you.Once the funds get to you,take your 30% out and keep our own 70%.. The
only thing we require from you is just for you to help us find a safe
place where the funds can be sent to,because Iraq is a war zone. If you
are interested get back for more details.Email:
Sgt.Nelson Dillon
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