From: "williams johnson" <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 13:36:01 -0700
Subject: Very Urgent and Confidential
Bar.Johnson Williams
Dear Friend
Compliment of the year!! I am barrister Johnson Williams,an adviser to governments establishment here in London,and a personal attorney to late Mr.keneth shedrack.nationality from United States and a businessman who died four years ago on ghastly motor accident on his way to the factory.
It was three weeks from today that I received a call from the finance house, notifying me that, he deposited a sum of Sixteen Million Three Hundred Thousand British Pounds Sterling (£16.3Million) in her finance house, they went on to say that I was contacted base on information they got from some documents that back-up the depositions in which my name was mention as Mr. keneth shedrack, personal Attorney, the bank advices me to provide them with the name of the next of kin of the fund because for the past four years and some months now, the account have been a dormant account.
And that any dormant account is usually reverting to government treasure as unclaimed after two years. After so many attempts I made to get in touch with the family or relations of Mr.shedrack from the country all proved abortive. I decided to contact you because of the ultimatum of twenty one days from now and pressure from bank which says that if I failed to forward them with the name of the next of kin, the account will be close finally or redirect to government treasury as unclaimed fund, as constituted by federal law on banking industries/finance houses, for this reason your sincerely help is needed.
On my own part as a lawyer and also the personal attorney to the deceased, I will facilitate in getting all the necessary documents from the ministry of justice here in London that will prove the Legality of this Fund, when it is due to be transfer into your nominated account. I am proposing 30 percent of this money to you, 5 percent for any auxiliary expenses from the finance house firm transfer charges.
I wait for your warm respond, for the claims and do not forget to furnish me with your phone/fax number and your contact address. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Please I need your reply for further informationÂs you may need to know.
Thank You
Best regards
Johnson Williams (ESQ