From: Mr Lu Peijun <>
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2010 01:21:35 +0800
Subject: Proposal Mail.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Mr Lu Peijun (Minister of General=
Administration of Customs of the Peoples Republic of China).I have a=
secured business proposal for you, which i believe will be beneficia=
l to both of us I want to solicit your attention. The purpose of my c=
ontacting you is because you live outside China.
Actually i got your contact during my discreet search for a reliable,=
successfull, business oriented partner. I feel it would be huge surp=
rise for you to receive such email from a serving minister of the Peo=
ple=92s Republic of China. I will give you more information about mys=
elf and the business. Forgive me if you see my business proposal as s=
hameful and not honourable because of my governmental status, but ple=
ase excuse me and understand that this is the situation I am and must=
find a credible partner outside China.
In my years of government service as Narcotics Control Commission and=
General Administration of Customs, I have received kick backs from s=
mugglers and business people seeking favours from me and as a public =
officer my bank accounts are monitored hence I diverted the funds Twe=
nty million United States dollars for safe keeping abroad. I want you=
to receive the money which has been in deposit since the last Three =
years. When the money is in your bank account, I want to use Sixty Pe=
rcent of the money for charity to help orphanage Children suffering (=
You will spare head this project and my name will not be mentioned)=
.You will receive Twenty Percent as your commission and I will take t=
he remaining Twenty Percent as my share which I intend to settle with=
outside China.
Please consider this proposal and reply to me soon. It will certainly=
do you no good to report me to my government authorities or divulge=
this information to anybody because doing so will only destroy my pe=
rson and my career.
If you are interested in my proposal, please contact me on my private=
email I will send you more informatio=
n about myself and this proposal.
Thank you.
Mr Lu Peijun.