Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 11:35:03 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: From: Lian Smith
From: Lian Smith
Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire
Dear Respectful,
After much consideration and in good faith, I feel that I can confide in you. Iam Lian Smith the daughter of the late assassinated senator in Zimbabwe Mr Marume Smith but presently I am in Abidjan, capital city of Ivory Coast in West Africa, for the past two months now. My mother Mrs Tabitha Marume, was shot and killed by soldiers at Chiwetu Rest Camp, Percy Muchiwa, for more verification, here is the web site
I want you to assist me withdraw and transfer my dad money the sum of (US$7.5M) which he deposited in one of the prime bank basd here in Cote d'Ivoire into your account in your country and also take me and my only brother out of here that had made us orpharn. Why I contacted you was that I went to the bank to withdraw this money since my
late father use my name as the next of kin to the deposit but I was told by the bank that my late father made an agreement with them that I have to get to the age of 25years before I can make claim of the money or alternatively I should provide a guardian who can make the claim on my behalf and that was why I contacted you.
I humbly need your assistance in the following ways:
1) To help get this money transferred to you.
2) To serve as the guardian and foreign beneficiary of the deposited money
3) To make an arrangement for me and my kid brother to come over after this money is transferred.
4) To look for a good venture where the money will be invested.
I am ready to compensate you for your effort in assisting me.
Youre sincerely,
Lian Smith