From: "Barr Anthony Shepherd" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 20:38:54 +0430 (IRDT)
Subject: CONGRATULATIONS,Urgent Please
Power Ball Organization.
6566 Hollywood Lane Atlanta GA 33315
File number: 880-063-12980
Batch number: 37/01/SPB550
We happily announce to you the draw of the Super Lottery programs held on
the 6th of April 2010 in Atlanta Georgia. Your e-mail address was matched
to ticket number: SP4556 0978645 with Serial number 5764987 drew the
winning: 29/37/66/29/677, which subsequently won you the lottery in the
2nd category.
You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of
US$1,122,000.00(One Million One Hundred and Twenty Two Thousand United
States Dollars Only) in cash credited to file number SPLO/37700075341/05.
This is from a total cash prize of US$40,000,000.00 (Fourth Million
Dollars)shared amongst the
first Twenty One (21) lucky winners in this category world-wide.
Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our
AMERICAN/EURO/ASIAN booklet representative office in Atlanta as indicated
your play coupon. In view of this, your US$1,122,000.00 (One Million One
Hundred and Twenty Two Thousand United States Dollars Only) would be
released to you by our Debt Clearing Unit in New York.Our Debt Clearing
Unit will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of
winning amount as soon as you contact them. Be informed that all
participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web site through
computer draw system and extracted from over 17,000,000 companies and
This promotion takes place annually. For security reasons, you are Advised
to keep your winning information strictly confidential
till your claims is processed and your winning amount is remitted to you
in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize. This is part of our
Precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of
this program by some unscrupulous elements.
Please be informed that all winning must be claimed before 31 days receive
this information and to avoid unnecessary delays and
complications, please quote your reference/batch numbers in any
correspondences with us or our Debt Clearing Unit in New York.
You are advised to acknowledge the receipt of this information in order to
give you a guide line on how to contact our Debt Clearing Unit in New
3.DATE OF BIRTH.........................................
Congratulations once more from all members and staff of this program that
has successfully won this competition. Thank you for
being part of our promotional lottery Program.
N.B: If this information is transmitted to your email
address, then you Are successful winner. Any review, Retransmission,
dissemination or other use of this Information, or taking of any action
in reliance upon this iformation, by person or entities other than the
Intended recipient Is prohibited
Barr Anthony Sheperd.
For Power Ball.