From: "Mr.Fabian Lux" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 21:11:08 +0100
Dear Internet User.
This email might come to you as a suprise / shock. The board of trustees
of the Fondazion Di Vittorio has given you the privilege to be a
beneficiary for the 2010 Cash / Grant Award. Fondazion Di Vittorio was
established on the initiative of General De Gaulle and André Malraux in
the year 1969 to help individuals and companies to carry out
philanthropic, cultural,
environmental or scientific projects and social activities. It is a
private non-profit organisation recognised by the government as a charity
working in the public interest. The foundation is an umbrella organisation
for other foundations; it receives donations and legacies, and awards
scholarships and prizes.
After the good work of the Fondazion Di Vittorio, the United Nation
decided to contribute, which bring the interest of European Union and the
Economic Community of West Africa State.(Note that all beneficiaries email
addresses were selected randomly from over 100,000 internet websites or a
shop's cash invoice around your area in which you might have purchased
something from) To file your claim, you are to produce the below
information and email it to the Executive Secretary with the email as
stated below.
Full Name:
Residential Address:
Tel/Fax number:
Qualification number: N-222-6747,E-900-56
Mr. Giovanni Galantucci
Telephone: +234 806 827 5190
On behalf of the Board kindly, accept our warmest congratulations.
Mr.Fabian Lux
(Foundation Officer)