From: "Rev Johnson Luke"<>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 18:32:10 -0000
Subject: Dear Friend, Contact The Delivery Company Immediately
----------------- AUTOMATYCZNY raport antySPAMowy ----------------------
Oprogramowanie do wykrywania spamu, dzia³aj±ce na serwerze:
*** "salvador" ***,
zidentyfikowa³o ten email jako prawdopodobny spam. Oryginalna wiadomo¶æ
zosta³a do³±czona do tej, aby mo¿na by³o j± przejrzeæ, zweryfikowaæ lub
zablokowaæ na przysz³o¶æ. Je¿eli masz jakie¶ w±tpliwo¶ci, to kieruj je pod
adres the administrator of that system
Przegl±d zawarto¶ci: How are you today ? I am very happy to inform you about my
success in getting those funds transferred under the co-operation of a new
partnerAustralia Mr Alain Cooper. Considering your efforts during those trying
periods, though it did not workout, i have raised an international Bank Draft
of $1.2 million usd in your name as a compensation but deposited it with
Skyline Courier Delivery Company Benin Republic, before I travelled out of
the country for an investment project and will not come back till the end
of next month. What you have to do now is to contact Apex Courier Delivery
Company as soon as possible to know when they will deliver the Draft to you
because of the expiring date. [...]
Szczegó³y analizy zawarto¶ci: (16.1 zaliczonych, 10.0 wymaganych)
pkt nazwa regu³y krótki opis
---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------
-1.8 ALL_TRUSTED Passed through trusted hosts only via SMTP
3.5 BAYES_99 BODY: Bayesowskie prawdopodobieñstwo spamu wynosi 99 do 100%
[score: 1.0000]
0.0 MISSING_MID Missing Message-Id: header
3.2 FH_DATE_PAST_20XX The date is grossly in the future.
1.3 MISSING_HEADERS Brakuje jednego z nag³ówków: Od, Dd lub Data
1.5 MILLION_USD BODY: O milionach dolarów
2.7 DEAR_FRIEND BODY: 'Drogi Przyjacielu' (ang.)
1.2 ADVANCE_FEE_2 Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
1.4 ADVANCE_FEE_3 Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419)
3.1 FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK Podrobiony mail udaj±cy przesy³kê z MS Outlook
-0.1 AWL AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list