Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 07:36:32 -0800 (PST)
Subject: HELLO
Attn: I hope this mail will reach you in the best of health and business conditions and receive the most desired attention from you even as we have not had any previous correspondence before. I am constrained by insufficient information about you to express in full the main objectives of this proposal. However, kindly get back to me immediately, for details should be given you if you agree to its content. My name is Dr Mohammad Yaradua, I have some funds to invest in your Company/Organization in your country as you may advise. This Fund is a proceed from the sales of Petroleum Products through the Oil block allocated to me while in Office as Adviser to Oil and Gas Industry in Nigeria. The total amount of fund is $23.8 Million. On completion of the transaction, you shall have a benefit of 35% of the fund for your envisaged efforts and assistance rendered, while 5% will be set aside for any expenses incured on the course of the
transaction. 60% will be kept under your care pending my arrival. Details of this proposal will be sent to you as soon as your positive response is received. you would be required to nominate a suitable bank account that will conveniently accommodate the total fund. Account could be a fresh or an already existing one, and could be individual or corporate account. If this offer interest you and knowing that there is no any legal law binding on such transaction in your Country, quickly forward your Company or Business Name, Home/Cell telephone numbers, your Current Home address and your present occupation. The information will be used to process the funds transfer to your designated Bank account as the new Beneficiary of the funds.
This proposal is strictly confidential, free from any form of risk and does not depend on any particular field of trade to prosecute. It however requires your adequate participation and support to enable its accomplishment on schedule. I await your reponse. Sincerely, Mohammad Yar' dua Hassan. +234--809-114-5156 +234-805-592-0192