From: "Mr. Kenneth Thomas" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 21:18:30 -0500
(United Nation) Human Right Activist Dept
On Debts Reconcilation On Foreign Payment Matters,
Unit B1, 50 Bank Street London E14 5NS,
London,United Kingdom.
Attention: Beneficiary,
I am Mr.Kenneth Thomas,the newly appointed national security adviser =
to the United Nation Owed Debts Payment Recovery Commission Represen=
in London United Kingdom.
I am delighted whole heartedly to inform you that the contract/Inheri=
tance panel and unclaimed fund which is seating in London,United Kin=
territory just released your name among the presently approved benef=
iciaries to benefit from the diplomatic immunity payment. This panel =
was primarily delegated to investigate and to genuinely manipulated =
all debts and claims as it has eaten deep into the economy of the Gr=
eat Britain-London.
However, we wish to bring to your urgent notice that your payment pro=
file is still reflecting in our central computer as unclaimed fund E=
manated from=20
Bank In Africa in my department where i work to the (UN) office whil=
e auditing was going on today. Your file was forwarded to my office b=
y the chief auditors as unclaimed fund. At this moment, I wish to us=
e this medium to inform you that for the time being the Geat Britain =
-London has stopped=20
further payment through bank to bank transfer which you were previous=
ly having with the Authority from the Originated country where your =
fund was sent from that country in Africa over a period of time now =
due to numerous petitions received from the FBI,IMF and other financi=
al and security agenices to monitoring the UK Government against thei=
r banks on wrong payment and diversion of funds to different account =
in many dimension.
In this regards, I am going to use my good office to send you your pa=
rt payment in the tune of $6,000,000.00 (Six Million United States Do=
llars) only by cash to you via a universal immunity diplomatic means.=
In process of doing that, i will personally secure every needed doc=
uments as a representative of the (UN) office now to cover the money =
been your still yet unclaimed payment which is now in London United-K=
Ingdom including the legit affidavit to claim this very particular p=
ayment from the British high court here in London UK and also with a=
clearance which will bestow the right and legit privilege to you as =
the rightful beneficiary who is to recieve this payment after meetin=
g up with the delivery requirement as the law stipulate which are the=
documents i'm securing for you right now once you accept to finalis=
e this transaction with me only.
All these will be only on the condition that you will give me only %1=
0 out of the funds which is just ($600,000.00) Out of $6,000,000.00 y=
ou are to=20
receive as soon as you receive the money on your door step which will=
come to you in the form of a consignment method.
Note: The money will be coming on 2 security proof boxes The boxes ar=
e already sealed with synthetic nylon seal and padded with machine b=
y the=20
management of this organiziation and i also want you to know that the=
management are not aware of my personal plans or arrangement with y=
ou in this transaction, so you have to keep this as a very top secre=
ct between the both of us till me and you are able to conclude this v=
ery transaction completely.=20
This fund was release to us from the World Bank special delegates who=
visited the British Government Prime Minister's Confidential Secret=
ary Office in London on Wednesday and found out that they are doing =
nothing to help you in this matter because the funds itself was meant=
for our local afem market here in the UK hence it did not laim as i=
t supose while dumped here London UK.
But you don't have to worry for any thing, as the transaction is 100%=
risk free and will remain legit as long as you work with me transpa=
rently. The=20
box are coming with a diplomatic agent asigned by the management of =
this organiziation who will accompany the boxes to your house address=
or any=20
address you will provide to me for this transaction to enable us com=
All you need to do now upon your willing acceptance on my condition, =
is to send to me a guarantee that you will give me 10% of the funds =
as soon as=20
you receive the $6,000.000.00 and your full house address and your i=
dentity such as, international passport or driver =92s license includ=
ing your personal contact phone numbers which must be a working numb=
ers, the diplomatic attached will travel with it.
He will call you immediately he arrives in your country's airport to =
update you and I hope you understand each and every point that i've =
made known to=20
you in this email message am sending you now, if you have any questi=
on please feel free to ask me asap.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: for security reasons and to also enable the both of=
us to conclude this very transaction successfully, note that the di=
plomat coming=20
with the consignment boxes will not know the original contents inside=
the boxes that he will be delivering to you. So what l and our accre=
dited management here will declare to him that is inside the consign=
ment boxes is a sensitive photographic film material and some classif=
ied volume confidential company's contract documents.
Please note categorically that, before i proceed with the next arrang=
ement, You are adviced to call me immediately on my direct telephone=
+44-792-457-3520, so we can talk and agree properly before i seal th=
is transaction with you and if you need further clarification I'm ple=
ased to hear that and remember to send the required informations dire=
ctly to my Email address: and I will let you k=
now how far I have gone with the arrangement. I will secure the diplo=
matic immunity clearance certificate that will be tagged on the box t=
o make it stand as a diplomatic consignment.
This clearance will make it pass every custom checking point all over=
the world without any hitch. All this I will do with my own money a=
s your=20
Please, I need urgent reply on phone because the box are schedule alr=
eady to live as soon as I hear from you. You should call me immediate=
ly you=20
receive this message through my confidential number +44-792-457-3520 =
at once.
I am highly submitted in service and willing to serve you better whol=
e-heartedly once you are pleased with my terms & condition.
Highly Submitted.
Respectfully Yours in-service,
Mr.Kenneth Thomas.
(UN) Human Right Activist
In-charge Of All Pending Consignment/Fund Release.
Unit B1, 50 Bank Street London E14 5NS
London,United Kingdom,
Direct Tel: +44-792-457-3520