From: "Dr. DAVID MARK" <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 16:07:05 -0000
Subject: Attn: The beneficiary.
Attn: The beneficiary.
In regards to your fund transfer, we the entire members of the Federal House of Senate have approved the above documents in your name to enable us conclude this final stage of your transfer before the 13th January 2010.
After the just concluded meeting with the president, we have placed this decision for all the transferring documents as $95 USD (Ninty and five Dollars) only, which you have to send now so that the government non assessment bonds (GNAB) will be issued to you. Also be informed that the board has met today and endorse the transfer, the process has began, as this decisions has been placed with all the top government officials involved on the transfer including the bank directors.
You have to note carefully that the contents of the article of law established under the bank of Nigeria foreign transfer of page 67, cap 10 under paragraph 6, which state clearly that under no circumstance will a huge amount above $1m be remitted to overseas account without GNAB. And such fund will be disbursed into government account as seized fund. This was the main reason why you have not recieved your overdue payment.
Therefore the banks board and other top officials are demanding for these government non assessment bonds (GNAB) belonging to our client which is you otherwise there will be a problem, meanwhile the house has promised them that the GNAB will be forwarded by our client. Which is necessary for record purposes.
We the entire members of the house of senate are using this urgent medium to advise you to make payment of your GNAB fee of $95 US DOLLARS without any further delay.
Be rest assured that our appointment to handle and take care of the movement of the fund will not be in vain as we are giving you 100 percent guarantee to deliver the work as soon as your western union information reach us at our email address ( as it is not less than 24hours that the order was placed.
Note that your fund will be free to move from the bank without any delay if you get the governments non assessment bonds (GNAB) which is $95 US DOLLARS only to make sure that no government monitor or agent can access the fund during the delivery remittance. You have to get the GNAB written on your name and stamped before the fund credit to your bank account.
This was why we have not approved or signd off the bond of your transfer register today as the bank insists on the GNAB.
Based on these explanations, you are hereby advised to send payment information of 95.00 US DOLLARS through our direct email address ( on or before 13th January as the closing date placed.
This gnab will show that the transaction was made through the full capacity of the government and will not be queried for certain circumstance.
Send the money through Western Union Money Transfer Or Money Gram International to the below receiver's information:
Receivers name: Okezuo James.
Receivers address: Abuja, Nigeria.
Test question: GNAB
Test answer: GNAB
You are to send the following information to us for the payment confirmation down here as soon as this is done;
Sender's Name:
Sender's Address:
The Money Transfer Control Number:
Bear in mind that this is the final stage of this transfer.
As soon as this is done, it will take only 48 hours for the fund to be credited in your designated bank account, and you will be contacted by your Bank.
Best Regards.
(Federal Republic of Nigeria}
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En cumplimiento de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de Protección de Datos Personales, le informamos que sus datos están incorporados en los ficheros de OLYMPIA SERVICE CENTERIBERIA, S.L.U. - OLYMPIA EMPLEO, E.T.T., S.L.U., OLYMPIA FRANQUICIAS.L.U., -. con las finalidades de mantener relaciones profesionales y/o comerciales. Si lo desea puede ejercer los derechos de acceso,rectificación y cancelación de sus datos dirigiéndose a: OLYMPIA SERVICE CENTER IBERIA, S.L.U. -Responsable Datos Personales- Avda. Francesc Macià ,nº 60, planta 12, 08208 de Sabadell. Este mensaje y cualquier documento que lleve adjunto, son confidenciales y destinados únicamente a la persona o entidad a quien ha sido enviado. Si Usted ha recibido este mensaje por error, le informamos que el contenido en el mismo es reservado y el uso no autorizado está prohibido legalmente, por ello, por favor, le rogamos que nos lo notifique al e-mail remitente.