Our Ref: OBIP/FOHG/OXD1/2010
11th Jan. 2010
Definitely, I know that this letter will be a surprising one to you. Firstly, I will like to Introduce myself formally as Dr.Walter Waziri, The Executive director of The Oceanic Bank International (OBIP).You are being officially contacted by me today because your Unpaid Funds were Re-deposited into the "Federal Suspense Account" of CBN last week because you did not complete
your Claim as the Rightful beneficiary.
Well known to all, The Central Bank of Nigeria is the Head Bank of all commercial Banks here in Nigeria but the nominated Bank is (OCEANIC BANK INT'L PLC.) I was visited in my office TODAY by three foreigners, really these gentlemen were unexpected by me because their visit was impromptu. I had to ask them why they came to see me in person and they said that they came to collect your Inheritance/Contract funds bill sum of US$15.5 Million which rightfully belongs to you as shown in your file with us, on your behalf and by your Authorization.
Note that they actually tendered some vital documents which proved that you actually sent them for the collection of these funds. Below is the list of the documents which they tendered to this bank today: 1. Letter of Administration. 2. High court Injunction. 3. Order to release.
Due to the nature of my job, I cannot afford to make any mistake in releasing these funds to anyone except you who is the recognized true beneficiary to these funds. I finally, told them to come back Next Week so that I can verify this from you first. Kindly clarify us on this issue if they are from you before we make this Payment to them. Note that for security reasons you have been assigned a code/password which is {EFT7270OBIP}, Please note that this code is the reference number for your transfer and it�s being disclosed to you alone, guard this with jealously and all your email response should carry this code as the subject.
I will be waiting to hear from you soon.
Yours Faithfully,
Dr. Walter Waziri
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