Every average man is entitled to a fair share; greedy people done Always excel in business and other professions. You are totally Uninformed about the reason why your money has not gotten to you after several Endeavors with your Nigerian partners.
Let me introduce myself. I am the Head Director of Operations, International Remittances/Debt Reconciliation Department and Central Bank Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria. My name is Mr. Sanusi Lamido Aminu Sanusi I have two Assistance Directors who will all agreed before I stepped forward to write you.
I and my colleagues are very much aware that the money you are Processing for transfer into your account as the bonafide beneficiary is a Mastermind and collaboration with your Nigerian partners. We know what goes on in this country Nigeria and only those who play by the rules get What they want. We demanded a 50% share of your benefited money from your partners here but they greedily refused offering us peanut which we turned down. As a result of this, the process of the transfer of the money over to your account was halted by us until a better agreement is constituted. Till date; it has remained as it is so we decided to discuss with you to see if you have a fair mind of sharing. If we could divert this money; you will never see this letter but the money has been Processed, instituted and computerized under your name. Truth and trust is Required in all types of business be it legal or illegal; I have just Told you one.
All we are asking for is a 50/50 sharing between you and us. If you Agree to this, we shall sign an MOU with you covering the re-transfer of our 50% to any nominated bank account we shall provide to you. If you are in, write me back; if you are not; disregard this letter. This is our Final stand; we shall not entertain any negotiation on the sharing; it Will be 50/50 or no deal!You are mandated to forward all particulars and information on this Transaction to my email i.e. (your name/company name and address, the Amount of money involved in the transaction, the transaction reference code Or title or number, your full bank coordinates.) We need these from You to be sure that we are dealing with the right person because the Internet is not a safe haven. Be notified that it is unconstitutional and Illegal to pay any fees to anyone in driving the process of this money Transfer. All that is required is to re-start the process which will be formally and legitimately conversed to you.
This letter is informal for security reasons best known to us, if you Are in; we shall then get down to business formally. You may understand What I mean!
Expecting your response.
Yours in confidence
Mr. Sanusi Lamido Aminu Sanusi