Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2009 00:42:54 -0500 (ECT)
Subject: Beloved in Christ,
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Beloved in Christ,
Please use this money for the=
Churches and Less Privileged in the world.
Greetings to you and you=
r family in the name of God, in my search for a reliable and God fearing pe=
rson and having gotten your contact through prayers and pains taking effort=
s via searching i made on the internet on my bed side.
I have decid=
ed to seek your help in carrying out my last wishes. My name is Mrs. Christ=
iana Walter, I'm a 58 years old woman and my Country is Sierra- Leone, I wa=
s a merchant and owned two businesses in Dubai, I was also married with two=
My husband and my two children where involved in a plane =
crash in the Dec,25th Before this happened, my business and concern for mak=
ing money was all I care for, I never really cared about other values in li=
But since the loss of my family, I have found a new desire to a=
ssist helpless families, I have been helping orphans in orphanage/motherles=
s, I have also donated some money for humanitarian needs, only recently I s=
aw on television the colossal loss of properties and livelihood people in C=
anberra, Australia through fire.
I was moved with great pity and co=
mpassion that I decided to make this contribution on assisting people over =
there or any part of the world like Asia/ Europe and America that might sti=
ll need any financial help, I have kept (US.6 Million) Six Million United S=
tates Dollars in a long-term deposit in a Finance company in Cotonou Benin =
Republic West Africa.
Presently, I'm in a hospital where I have been=
undergoing treatment for Esophagi Cancer at International Memorial Hospita=
l Cotonou. I have since lost my ability to talk and my doctors=
have told me that I have only few weeks to live, It is my last wish to see=
this money distributed to victims of the fire outbreak in Australia and ot=
her charity organization in the World like i said, I have enclosed for you =
the Current Photograph I took below Because relatives and friends have plun=
dered so much of my wealth since my illness, I cannot live with the agony e=
ntrusting this huge responsibility to any of them.
Please, I beg yo=
u in the name of God to help me collect the deposit with the help of my Law=
yer and distributes it accordingly Use your judgment to distribute the mone=
y and keep 30% of it to yourself. Again I will allow you to communicate=
with the financial company directly upon the receipt of your reply because=
I want this project to be completed before the end of this month before I =
die according to the Doctor. Please if you are willing to hel=
p, reply by including; 1. Your Full Name; 2. Phon=
e number 3. Age: 4. Occupation I am waitin=
g for your response immediately,
God Bless you, Madam Christiana =
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