From: "Official Notice" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:56:52 -0700
Subject: Kindly Confirm This Information
Commerzbank AG.
Paseo de la Castellana 110
Sucursal en Espana. E-28046 Madrid-Spain
Attn: Beneficiary
The U.S.A Government, World Bank And United Nations Organization Official Has Approved to pay you part payment of your Contract/Inheritance Fund payment Valued at 5.5Million USD in conjunction with the Spanish Government and Commerzbank AG Madrid Spain.
This International Remittance Department (Commerzbank AG Madrid Spain) was set up to discover an outstanding unpaid fund being owned to Governments or Individuals all over the world through Contract Payment, Inheritance and Lottery Winning Prize Awards.
However,a decision was made last week With this development,a woman by name (MRS.ALICE WEBBER) came to our office with an application stating that you gave her the power of attorney to be the beneficiary of your outstanding Contract/Inheritance/award funds, She made us to believe that you are dead and that she is your next of kin, We got your email address through Spanish Lottery Board and we decided to send an email through this address hoping to find out if you are Dead or Alive and also to find out if you at any time give this woman the power of attorney to represent you.
Please let us know also if you are aware of this development,hence we are almost ready to transfer part payment of $5.5M USD of your outstanding
funds to her nominated bank account stated below:
Bank Name:Bank Of America
Address:1723 Palmdale Bulv.
Palmdale Ca. 93550
Acct # : 3573813158
Rout # : 322271627
Swift code # : BOFAUS3N
If you are not aware of the above instruction, do respond to this email immediately by contacting the head of the International remittance
department (Mr.Javed Gonzales)
His contact informations are written below:
Name: Mr.Javed Gonzales
Commerzbank AG
International remittance department
For immediate transfer of your funds be informed that you are not allowed to correspond or contact any person or office with respect to this transfer other than this office, you are required to send to him an email with your full name,Company or Residential address and your direct Telephone number,Fax Number and your mobile phone where you can be reach at all time.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr.Jorl Pete.
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To provide leadership on issues of common interest and uphold professionalism and ethical practices in the insurance industry.
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