From: "Isolo Rasaq James" <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 14:20:57 -0700
Subject: Re: With Due Respect
Dear Friend,
I am conducting a standard procedural research for the relative of our late
customer Engr. Anker Fisher (An America), who was the Owner/MD of Drillog
Petro-Dynamics Limited, investigation revealed that he died while on holiday
with his wife and children during the Tsunami disaster.
Before the disaster Engr. Anker operated a Non Residence Domiciliary
(Dollars) Account with our Bank, to date his dormant account balance is Twelve
Millions Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($12.5M). As the deceased
Account Officer, the bank's management have mandate me to present the
deceased relative or partner (if any) within fourteen (14) Banking days,
otherwise the fund will be reverted to the treasury as unclaimed deposit.
It is base on this mandate that I solicit for your permission to use your
name as the beneficiary Next of Kin to the deceased and thereby transferring
the fund into your bank account before the time given to me elapses. I have all
the legal documents that can be used to back up this claim in your favour and
also protect us from any breach of the law.
You will be compensated with 30% of this fund for your assistance, while the
balance 70% is kept safely pending my retirement from active service. This
transaction is risk free, strictly private and must be treated with utmost
Please contact me through the details below with the following Information
needed to process the claim:
Full Name:
Further information regarding this transaction will be communicated to you
on receipt of your response.
Isolo Rasaq James
Non Residenc Account Department
Stanbic IBTC Bank
Victoria Island, Lagos