"419" Scam – sender domain strompost.net:
There are many companies that provide free email services and most people use them for legitimate purposes. However, because there is no charge and hence no need for a verifiable billing address, bank account or credit card, these accounts are fairly anonymous. That and easy access from ubiquitous internet cafes means such accounts are often abused by criminals who send variants of the "419" scam. Most of these emails are sent from Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, South Africa and various cities in Europe with West African residents as well as various places in Asia. By reporting the scam accounts to the webmail providers you can usually get them closed.
strompost.net (26 addresses) atmcenter@strompost.net bankatlanticbenin@strompost.net chaseinternational@strompost.net contactus@strompost.net davidrichard1930@strompost.net fdjeux@strompost.net frank.robertson3@strompost.net frankrobertson@strompost.net info_2@strompost.net info_shajones@strompost.net issaiamaechi@strompost.net johnsonnoah@strompost.net joseph.alford@strompost.net lensinkdatema@strompost.net mr_michael_kojo_contact@strompost.net mr_peterwongts01@strompost.net ramonddobbs@strompost.net raymond_dobbs1@strompost.net remittancedept_payment2009@strompost.net rolf.michael@strompost.net sera4real@strompost.net sharonjones@strompost.net sjones@strompost.net victorbrown@strompost.net wangqin033@strompost.net wu_bibe@strompost.net