we have recently been informed through our Global intelligence monitoring network International Monetary Fund (IMF) investigation bureau UK that you presently having transaction going on with Banks in Africa, Europe and others countries as regards to Your over-due contract, inheritance and lottory payment which was fully endorsed in your favor accordingly but Due to your failure and inability to claim your compensation victim fund, over-due contract, inheritance and lottery payment via special Bank Draft (Check) delivery and ATM card produced and activated by our bank following a mandate given to our bank by IMF and the Central Banks in Africa (CBA) for the purpose of your payment after the stipulated 14 working days, we are left with no other option but to follow the directive of the Government to return the Draft to the Government treasury if you did not respond to the claims this time.
We request that you send to us a letter of attorney signed by your lawyer authorizing us to deactivate this Draft/card and return its monetary value to the coffers of the Government, and that you have not, and will never put forward any claim for the funds subsequently, thereby forfeiting same to the benefit of the Banks, IMF and Federal Government.
Value Card Number: 118531558764907510.
Your Personal Identification Number: 226699.
Your ATM Card Value: $350.000.00USD, while the balance of your fund will be transfer to you as you want via wire transfer or by Diplomatic Courier cash delivery.
Note: Please contact me directly on this email: mr_royboyd@yahoo.com.vn
Yours sincerely,
MR. Roy Boyd,