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"419" Scam – Advance Fee / Fake Lottery Scam

The so-called "419" scam is a type of fraud dominated by criminals from Nigeria and other countries in Africa. Victims of the scam are promised a large amount of money, such as a lottery prize, inheritance, money sitting in some bank account, etc.

Victims never receive this non-existent fortune but are tricked into sending their money to the criminals, who remain anonymous. They hide their real identity and location by using fake names and fake postal addresses as well as communicating via anonymous free email accounts and mobile phones.

Keep in mind that scammers DO NOT use their real names when defrauding people.
The criminals either abuse names of real people or companies or invent names or addresses.
Any real people or companies mentioned below have NO CONNECTION to the scammers!

Read more about such scams here or in our 419 FAQ. Use the Scam-O-Matic to verify suspect emails.

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Some comments by the Scam-O-Matic about the following email:

Fraud email example:

From: "Dr Gen Patricia D. Horoho" <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 17:51:04 -0700

Dear Friend

Thanks for accepting my friend request, I know you will be surprise the way
i contacted you since we don't know each other before, but with faith i
contacted you because i found your name on the list of Healing hugs post
here on skype therefore i believe you must be a good person, I decided to
add you as my friend and share with you little about what is happening here
in Afghanistan that i don't like.

I believe me and you can use this great opportunity to help the poor hungry
children instead of the Afghanistan Taliban's and the government to
continue spending so much to Purchase war material to kill the innocent
people i am in US military force; currently I am among the soldier in
Afghanistan on peace keeping mission, I am serving as Medical/Nurse Corps,
As a member of the Medical/Nurse Corps, We are the first team that move in
first any where there is a strike or bomb blast for treatment and recue of
wounded soldiers several times we have discovered treasures like Gold,
Diamond, Cash etc, these treasure are discovered after exchanging fire with
the Taliban's at their hide out place, these are the treasures the
Taliban’s uses to purchase war materials they are using to kill the
innocent people while some innocent motherless children continue to suffer
in hunger, look out this website to view

The Largest Navy Warship cost $7 Billion which is enough to elevate hunger.
Because of the above reason, I have decided to stop sending any money to
government because they are only using it to produce and manufacture
dangerous war materials to fight the Taliban's while some innocent children
continue crying for food.

After my last birthday celebration, I promised God that i am going to
support the poor children, I believe it will be more reasonable to use this
money in helping the innocent Children all over the world who are not
responsible for this war and crisis in the world today but they continue
suffering more pains and i grew up from a poor home and I understand what
it means to be poor, every time when i am in silent and in deep thinking
about what is going on in the world today and the future of our children
after we might passed away, one question always came to my mind that we
claim to love our children and care for them but still we give them war as
inheritance instead of peace, what will happen to them when we are gone
nobody can tell.

I always pray for their future because i love children so much and I am
looking for individual who can work together with me in helping the
hopeless children, I considered you as the person I can use to reach the
needy children around your Location since you have already known my Mind
and about humanity, Please I want you to consider the innocent children
that are suffering out there and take this obligation of working with me to
help the motherless children, I pray that God will touch your heart and use
you to help the poor children around you.

I sent this friendship request to you based on humanity and I believe
together we can work for good by helping the poor children and less
privileged with this great opportunity, instead of the ungodly people to
continue using it to produce and purchase war materials, I believe that
every human being who love the children and care for their future need to
join us in bringing peace to the youth by doing good and showing good
example of life and there is no risk involve because I am going to use the
Red Cross Humanity to cover the Luggage and Deliver it at your doorstep
through a reliable delivery company without any problem.

I am going to package the Funds inside a Red Cross medical Luggage and seal
it with Red Cross stamp, It will be delivered to you as a Red Cross medical
aid to support sick children so that no authority will have right to
examine the box, including the delivery Company because i don't want
anybody to know the original content of the Luggage, it is going to be only
between you and me, I will give you the key number to open the Luggage so
it cannot be open without your present.

All i need is your full support to receive the Luggage and your sincerity
of distributing it to the Addresses of the poor children/ Less Privileged
Children i will send you their Info's once you receive it, I will also need
your full names and house address where you want the Luggage to be
delivered and your email and telephone number to enable the delivery
company contact you when they arrive in your Country.

I want you to keep our discussion Confidential because of my position in
the Military, Please to save my job, honestly I don't want our
communication to be on
skype because skype is not safe, i will prefer by Emailing or yahoo
messenger so that we can fully team up together and help the poor, the less
privilege and the innocent children, there is no risk involve in this
delivery because i am going to packaged the Funds (US$2.7 Million Dollars)
inside a red cross Luggage and seal it as a red cross stamp, it will be
delivered at your address as a red cross medical Luggage for sick children.
Read it carefully and get back to me with trust and join me to make them

Thanks and God bless you as i urgently wait for your Response and Details.
Yours Truly


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